palkkaus Graham Norton

Television persoonallisuus - Britannia
Syntynyt: 1963 Ireland, United Kingdom
  • Vuosittain: 3 307 901,00 €
  • Kuukausittain: 275 658,42 €
  • Viikottain: 63 613,48 €
  • Päivittäin: 12 722,70 €
Graham Norton
This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Graham William Walker, taiteilijanimeltään Graham Norton, on irlantilainen keskusteluohjelmien juontaja, näyttelijä ja koomikko. Hän on isännöinyt vuodesta 2007 lähtien Britannian yleisradioyhtiö BBC:llä omaa nimeään kantavaa The Graham Norton Show -keskusteluohjelmaa. Lisäksi Norton toimii kanavan euroviisukommentaattorina.

Wikipedia page about Graham Norton

Earnings overview
Express Jul 2022: It is believed Norton’s BBC programmes earns him £730,000 per year.
Mirror May 2021: The star received £3.23m from his production company So Television, along with his BBC Radio 2 salary of £725,000, he pocketed £3.96million.
BBC Sept. 2020: salary between £725,000-£729,999
BBC June 2019: salary between £600 and £609K
BBC July 2018: Graham Norton - £600,000-£609,999
Business Insider July 2017: it says the BBC pays him 850,000-899,999 GBP. However, his earnings through the Graham Norton Show, produced by his own production company, is not included in this wage.
Guardian April 2016: Graham Norton was paid more than £2.5m in fees and salary last year, for services including fronting BBC1’s The Graham Norton Show and BBC Radio 2 Saturday programme.
Irish Independent 2015-5: Euro 3 million
DailyMail August 2014: £2.6 million
Guardian May 2014: £2.3 million
Dailymail Jan.2014: £2.61 million July 16,2013: £4.5 million July 17 2012: more than £1.5 million
Guardian: 10 June 2009:"Estimates of top BBC presenters' pay: Graham Norton – £2.5m"


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2024-10
