palkkaus Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith

Kuuluisa pari
Syntynyt: 1971, United States
  • Vuosittain: 35 035 053,00 €
  • Kuukausittain: 2 919 587,75 €
  • Viikottain: 673 751,02 €
  • Päivittäin: 134 750,20 €
Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith

From the moment you arrived on this page, Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith has earned:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Willard Carroll ”Will” Smith Jr. on yhdysvaltalainen Oscar-palkittu näyttelijä ja rap-artisti. Useimmat hänen roolinsa ovat olleet toimintaelokuvissa, joista monet ovat olleet komediallisia.

Wikipedia page about Will Smith

Variety Aug 2022: Smith earned $35M for "Emancipation".
Forbes Oct 2020: $ 44.5 million. The Fresh Prince can still earn big checks for lead parts, such as his upcoming role in King Richard, in which he portrays Richard Williams, father of tennis greats Serena and Venus. He fills the earnings gaps with mobile phone hits, including a Snapchat series and his popular Instagram account. August 2019: Jada Pinkett Smith's Income / Salary: Per Year: $3.27 Millions


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2022-8
