palkkaus Michelle Obama

Kirjailija - Yhdysvallat (USA)
Syntynyt: 1964, Chicago, United States
  • Vuosittain: 34 741 824,00 €
  • Kuukausittain: 2 895 152,00 €
  • Viikottain: 668 112,00 €
  • Päivittäin: 133 622,40 €
Michelle Obama

From the moment you arrived on this page, Michelle Obama has earned:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama on yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija ja maan 44. presidentin Barack Obaman aviopuoliso.

Wikipedia page about Michelle Obama

Forbes Dec 2019: Michelle Obama: $36 million. Her memoir, Becoming, sold more than 10 million copies across formats during our timeframe.


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2020-3
