- Vuosittain: 1 015 084 150,00 €
- Kuukausittain: 84 590 345,83 €
- Viikottain: 19 520 849,04 €
- Päivittäin: 3 904 169,81 €

From the moment you arrived on this page, Jay-Z has earned:
Shawn Corey Carter, tunnetaan paremmin taiteilijanimellään Jay Z, on yhdysvaltalainen Grammy-palkittu rap-artisti, tuottaja ja yrittäjä. Jay Z on myynyt maailmanlaajuisesti yli 100 miljoonaa levyä. Forbes arvioi Jay Z:n nettovarallisuuden olevan n. miljardi Yhdysvaltain dollaria, mikä tekee hänestä Dr. Dren ja Sean Combsin ohella maailman varakkaimpia rap-muusikkoja.
Wikipedia page about Jay ZEarnings overview
Forbes Apr 2024: Net Worth $2.5B (no rise compared to 2023)
Forbes Jun 2023: $ 2.5 B Net Worth ($ 1.1B rise compared to 2022)
Forbes Apr 2022: $1.4 B Net Worth
Forbes May 2020: $ 53.5 million
Forbes Sept. 2019: $81 million
Forbes 2018: $76.5 million
Forbes June 2017: $42 million
Forbes July 2016: $53.5
Forbes June 2015: $56 million
Forbes Sept 2014: $60 million
Billboard March 2014: earnings over 2013: $15,652,428.82
Forbes earnings June 2013: $42 million
Forbes net worth April 2013: $475 million
Billboard Feb 2013: earnings $7,011,905.17
Billboard March 2014: earnings over 2013 -
Forbes May 2012: earnings $38 million
Forbes June 2011: earnings $37 million
Earnings 2010 $63 million according to Forbes,
- Picture: Joella Marano from Manhattan, NY, Wikipedia — Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Billboard
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Billboard
- Text: Forbes
For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.
Update: 2024-4