palkkaus Satya Nadella

Toimitusjohtaja - Microsoft - Yhdysvallat (USA)
Syntynyt: 1967 Intia
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Satya Nadella

From the moment you arrived on this page, Satya Nadella has earned:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Satya Nadella on yhdysvaltalainen liikemies. Hänet nimitettiin 4. helmikuuta 2014 Microsoftin toimitusjohtajaksi Steve Ballmerin tilalle. Nadella on opiskellut sekä sähkötekniikkaa ja tietojenkäsittelytiedettä että kauppatieteitä.

Wikipedia page about Satya Nadella

Annual earnings overview: Oct. 2023: Microsoft boss Satya Nadella was paid $48.5 million in compensation for running the business in 2023 – the lowest amount he received in the past three years due to smaller stock awards and other incentives. oct. 2022: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s total compensation was $54.9 million for the 2022 fiscal year, about 10 percent more year over year.

Yahoo Finance Nov 2021: $ 50 million

Equilar Apr 2021: $ 44,321,788 total compensation

Usa Today Dec 2020: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella made $42.9 million in the 2019 fiscal year, more than all but two other CEOs of the 100 largest companies in the United States and 66% more than he made the year before. The increase was largely attributable to the value of stock options he was awarded.

Bloomberg July 2020: 2019 income including salary, bonus and stock awards: $77,289,149

UsaToday May 2019: Most recent annual compensation: $25.8 million

CNBC Feb 2019: In the most recent fiscal year, which ended on June 30, Nadella received $25.8 million in total compensation, according to Microsoft’s most recent proxy statement.

Businessinsider Oct 2016: $17.7 million

Times of India April 2015: pay package $84.3 million.

Guardian Dec. 5, 2014: "Microsoft shareholders just cleared a fat $84m pay package for CEO Satya Nadella. The amount includes base pay, of $918,917, a $3.6m bonus and $79.8m in stock grants that won’t vest until 2019."

PCWorldBusiness: Base salary $1.2 million, cash bonus $3.6 million, stock award $13.2 million

MoneyCNN Feb, 2014: Nadella was Microsoft's second-highest paid executive last year, earning $7.7 million in salary, bonuses and stock grants. Microsoft has not yet announced Nadella's new compensation package.


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Update: 2024-9
