palkkaus Sergey Brin

Perustaja - Google, former president of Alphabet
Syntynyt: 1973 Venäjä
  • Vuosittain: 20 067 695 024,00 €
  • Kuukausittain: 1 672 307 918,67 €
  • Viikottain: 385 917 212,00 €
  • Päivittäin: 77 183 442,40 €
Sergey Brin

From the moment you arrived on this page, Sergey Brin has earned:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Sergei Mihailovitš Brin on toinen hakukoneyhtiö Googlen perustajista. Hän perusti Googlen Larry Pagen kanssa vuonna 1998. Brinin tutkimuskohteisiin kuuluvat tietojenkerääminen rakenteettomista lähteistä sekä tiedon hakeminen tekstikokoelmista ja tieteellisen datan joukosta. Talouslehti Forbesin vuoden 2022 listauksessa Brin nimettiin 107 miljardin dollarin omaisuudellaan maailman 7. rikkaimmaksi ihmiseksi.

Wikipedia page about Sergei Brin

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2023 from the 2024 net worth.
Net Worth 2024: $109.3 B (no rise compared to last year)

Net Worth 2023: Net worth: $110 B (Forbes) $ 21 B rise compared to 2022

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2021 from the 2022 net worth
Net Worth 2022: $107 B
Net Worth 2021: $ 89 B

Sergey Brin stepped down as president of Alphabet, parent company of Google, in December 2019 but remains a controller shareholder and a board member.

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of Dec 2020 from the Jun 2021 net worth: $ 13.3 billion
Forbes Jun 2021: $ 89 B net worth
Forbes Dec 2020: $75.7B net worth
Forbes Feb 2020: $ 58,8 billion net worth
Bloomberg Nov 2019: $ 62.4 billion net worth
Forbes 2019: $52.5 billion dollars net worth
Forbes 2018: $52.4 billion dollars net worth
Forbes 2017: 47.8 billion net worth
CNBC March 2017" $1 salary, Forbes $40.4 billion net worth Forbes March 2015 net worth: $29.7 billion
Forbes March 2015 net worth: $39.4 billion
Mashable April 2014: total compensation/salary $1, net worth according to Forbes $28.8 billion
Forbes March 2011: total compensation 2009: $2231, annual salary $1


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2024-3
