- Vuosittain: 45 189 987,00 €
- Kuukausittain: 3 765 832,25 €
- Viikottain: 869 038,21 €
- Päivittäin: 173 807,64 €

From the moment you arrived on this page, Tim Cook has earned:
Timothy Donald ”Tim” Cook on yhdysvaltalainen liikemies ja Applen toimitusjohtaja. Cook nousi yrityksen johtoon elokuussa 2011, kun edellinen toimitusjohtaja Steve Jobs erosi tehtävästä. Hän tuli yhtiön palvelukseen alun perin maaliskuussa 1998. Ennen toimitusjohtajanimitystä hän oli yhtiön operatiivinen johtaja. Cook on Niken hallituksen jäsen.
Wikipedia page about Tim CookFictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2023 from the 2024 net worth.
Net Worth 2024: $2.0 B (no rise compared to last year)
BBC Jan 2023: total compensation of $49m (£45.1m) for 2023
Bloomberg Aug. 2022: 2021 total compensation: $853,780,236
Net Worth Apr 2022: $2 B (Forbes) $ 700 million rise compared to 2021
Equilar Apr 2021: compensation $14,769,259
Cnbc Jan 2020: $125 million (Cook received $3 million in salary for 2019, the same as a year earlier, while his bonus decreased to $7.67 million from $12 million.The majority of Cook’s pay came from the vesting of $113.5 million worth of Apple shares. All in, Cook’s salary, bonus and vesting compensation for the year declined by 8% from $136 million in 2018)
Bloomberg May 2019: $141,657,076
Independent Jun 2017: $145 million
Fortune Jan. 2017: Compensation $8.7 million
Inquisiter Jan. 2016: Compensation $10.3 million
Bloomberg January 2015: Compensation $9.22 million last year, this includes salary $1.75 million and $6.7 million in non-equity incentive compensation. Cook was granted a pay package of $ 4.25 million in 2013.
Appleinsider April 2013: $4.3 million salary, $69.6 million in stock options
WSJ May 21 2012: Cook's base salary was $900,000, along with $900,000 more for his annual incentives, which add up to $1.80 million only. He scooped up as many as $376.18 million compensation, thanks to a grant of one million shares of restricted stock.
Bloomberg 10 January 2012: Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook will receive compensation for 2011 worth $378 million, boosted by restricted stock awards that are payable over the coming decade.
BizJournals August 2011: In the most recent fiscal year Cook's annual salary as COO was $800,000 and he got a bonus of $900,000. He was also given a special award of $5 million in cash and 75,000 shares of stock for "outstanding performance" as acting CEO when Jobs was out on medical leave in 2009. His total 2010 compensation was valued at about $59 million. As the new CEO he was give a million shares of the company stock that vest over the next 10 years worth an estimated $384 million. The company offered no explanation for the huge bonus and as yet has said nothing about what his pay will be.
- Picture: European Commission - Photographer: Christophe Licoppe, Wikipedia — Attribution (CC BY)
- Text: Forbes
- Text: BBC
- Text: Bloomberg
- Text: Bloomberg
- Text: Forbes
- Text: AGI.com
- Text: Equilar
- Text: Bloomberg
- Text: Bloomberg
- Text: MSN Money
- Text: WSJ
- Text: Cnbc
- Text: Geekwire
- Text: Independent
- Text: Bloomberg
- Text: Wikipedia
- Text: Appleinsider
- Text: Inquisitr
- Text: Fortune
For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.
Update: 2024-3