palkkaus Johan Lundgren

Toimitusjohtaja - EasyJet - Britannia
Syntynyt: 1966, Sweden
  • Vuosittain: 3 500 894,00 €
  • Kuukausittain: 291 741,17 €
  • Viikottain: 67 324,88 €
  • Päivittäin: 13 464,98 €
Johan Lundgren
This summary is provided by Wikipedia on ilmailuaiheinen Internet-sivusto, joka sijaitsee Luulajan teknillisen yliopiston palvelimella. Sivuston perusti ruotsalainen Johan Lundgren vuonna 1997 hänen edellisen sivustonsa, vuonna 1994 perustetun Pictures of Modern Airlinersin seuraajaksi. Sivustolla on mm. keskustelupalsta, chat-huone, tietoja ja historiaa eri lentokonetyypeistä sekä laaja ilmailuaiheisten valokuvien kuvapankki, jonne kuka tahansa voi lisätä omia valokuviaan.

Wikipedia page about

- The Guardian Dec 2022: The easyJet chief executive, Johan Lundgren, received a £1.2m annual bonus and £925,000 in shares on top of his £833,000 fixed salary and benefits.

- Daily Mail Jun 2022: a package totalling £3.145million – including a basic salary of £740,000 plus a bonus of up to 200 per cent of his salary and shares of up to 125 per cent

- Jan. 2021: EasyJet’s chief executive Johan Lundgren is reducing his salary by £34,000 to match that of his predecessor Carolyn McCall.
Mr Lundgren’s starting annual salary was £740,000, while Ms McCall was on £706,000 when she left the budget airline in November.
EasyJet was “absolutely committed” to giving equal pay and equal opportunity for women and men, said Mr Lundgren. Jan 2019: As the Chief Executive Officer and Director of easyJet Plc, the total compensation of Johan Lundgren at easyJet Plc is GBX1,006,000.


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2022-12
